
2013年12月19日 星期四

There For Me

這首歌曲大概翻譯於2004年以前,確切日期已不復記憶了,最近整理檔案發現一個由網友傳來的文字檔案,讓我想起一段不被祝福的戀情,他們熱戀時期,那時候還沒有Youtube, 男主角做了包含影音的網頁送給女友,我熱心的提供翻譯,當時我人在北京、他們在台灣,我好像是他們的紅娘,透過網路,傳了好幾次檔案,就因為我對譯文不滿意,所以一直改。雖然故事裡的戀人已經分手多年了,但是歌曲很好聽,從youtube找到這段影片,重新把它們結合起來。

感謝 餘音 提供中文翻譯

Sarah :
There for me, every time I've been away  每次我離去時, 為我守候 !
Will you be there for me, thinking of me everyday ?  你會為我守候﹐日日思念我嗎 ?
Are you my destiny, words I never dared to say ?  有些話我羞於啟齒﹐你是我此生的歸宿嗎 ?
Will you be there for me?  你會為我守候嗎 ?
Just think of you and me, we could never tow the line  想想你和我, 我們從來不能緊抓著這個緣分
It's such a mystery just to hear you say you're mine  但是只要聽到你說「你是我的」, 這是多麼奧妙啊 !
And while you're close to me, so close to me  當你靠近我的時候, 很靠近的時候...
Just hold me  就抱緊我...

When you're feeling cold and all the city streets are gray  當妳感覺街道灰暗和心情落寞時
Walking all along and watching how the children play  孤獨地走著, 看著孩子們嬉戲
Voices in the wind and faces from the past go dancing by they're asking why  風呼嘯地吹著, 一張張熟悉的臉孔在妳眼前舞動著它們在問︰為什麼 ?

Sarah & Josh︰
Will you be there for me, every time I go away ?  每次我離去時, 你會為我守候嗎 ?
Will you be there for me, thinking of me everyday ?  你會為我守候﹐日日思念我嗎 ?
Are you my destiny, words I never dared to say ?  有些話我羞於啟齒﹐你是我此生的歸宿嗎 ?
Will you be there for me?  你會為我守候嗎 ?

And while you're close to me, so close to me  當你靠近我的時候, 很靠近的時候,
Just hold me  就抱緊我...

Can you really want me more for than a little while ?  能讓我為妳多做一些嗎 ?
What are the stories hiding there behind your smile ?  在妳的笑容後面, 隱藏著什麼樣的故事 ?
Wishes in a dream and figures in a world that I could share and everywhere  我期盼可以分享妳的夢想以及追尋妳的足跡於世界各角落

Sarah & Josh︰
Will you be there for me  你為我守候嗎 ?
Will there ever come a day when all the world can see  會有這麼一天, 全世界都會看到嗎 ?
Things were meant to be that way  就是那麼地奇妙
Will you be there for me?  你為我守候嗎 ?
Can you hear the people say  你能夠聽到人們說︰
That you're just there for me  「你會在那裡守候著我」...

Josh  :There for me  守候著我
Sarah:There for me  守候著我

三頁蟲 更新於 2004 07 17
