
2010年3月22日 星期一

And I love you so...


And I love you so, 我是如此愛你 
The people ask me how, 人們追問原因 
How I've lived till now 如何撐到現在 
I tell them I don't know 我回答︰不知  
 I guess they understand 我想他們能體會 
How lonely life has been 日子有多麼寂寞 
But life began again The day you took my hand 
And yes I know how lonely life can be 是啊﹗我明白人生的孤寂 
Shadows follow me 陰霾總是如影隨行 
And the night won't set me free 就連夜晚也不放過我 
But I don't let the evening get me down 但我不能被擊垮 
Now that you're around me 如今你縈繞腦海 
And you love me too 你是如此愛我 
Your thoughts are just for me 你我心意相通 
You set my spirit free 你讓我靈魂得以自由 
I'm happy that you do 我心存感激 
The look at life is brief  生命之書,寥寥幾頁 
Once the page is read 翻到這頁
 All but love is dead 除了愛一切死寂 
This is my believe 我是這樣以為 
 And yes I know how lonely life can be 是啊﹗我明白人生的孤寂 
Shadows follow me 陰霾總是如影隨行 
And the night won't set me free 就連夜晚也不放過我 
But I don't let the evening get me down 但我不能被擊垮 
Now that you're around me 如今你縈繞腦海 
And I love you so, 我是如此愛你 
The people ask me how, 人們追問原因 
How I've lived till now 如何撐到現在
 I tell them I don't know 我回答︰不知
